For the past couple of days I have felt motivated to start writing again. Awhile ago I had a couple of blogs that I was working on. Yet, as time became more sparse my blog fell by the wayside. Eventually it came to represent someone who is not me anymore. My blog was stuck in a time-warp. 

That sent me on a new task of self-discovery again. Before, when I first started my blog, I was a soon-to-be first time mother, part-time working teacher at an Urban school district, and I spent most of my time at home. Now I only have my weekends to work on pet projects and even those get side tracked.

Before I was a home schooling mother of a toddler. Now my son attends pre-school where I teach. I was able to enjoy my time watching and working with him. Now, a lot of my time is spent preparing lesson plans (that are not usually used) and going through different work material for my students. 

I was able to take a look back at the person I was and the person I have become and decided I didn't like her. I don't like me now. I need to find who I really am again. I have an idea, but I need to adapt who I am to who He is. Then I will let Him turn me into who I need to be where I am at. 

I hope that the blog-o-sphere can enjoy fun times with  me, laugh at my mistakes, and walk with me through a life being rebuilt, one small chip at a time.